Wastewater treatment: The key to ending with the world’s water scarcity

It is estimated that at least 1 in 3 people will be affected by water scarcity by 2050.

Access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene are fundamental rights, and yet millions of people around the world face enormous difficulties every day in accessing the most basic services.

Although at least 2.1 billion people have gained access to better water and sanitation conditions since 1990, the declining availability of quality drinking water is a major problem that worries all countries.

Unfortunately, human beings are the main cause of water pollution, because more than 80% of wastewater resulting from human activities is discharged into rivers and seas without any type of wastewater treatment, causing pollution and affecting the health of those who require obtaining water from the receiving bodies.

How can we contribute to avoid water scarcity?

Wastewater treatment can guarantee access to clean water avoiding pollution of rivers and seas, it can even be purified to provide a quality of drinking water ideal for human consumption.

Through the use of a wastewater treatment plant, a physical-chemical or biological process is carried out with which the main water pollutants can be eliminated to deliver a quality of treated water to be discharged to receiving bodies such as ravines, rivers, and seas.

The purpose of wastewater treatment is to obtain water with the appropriate characteristics for the intended use since it is possible to treat it for reuse in agricultural and garden irrigation, activities such as car washes, use in toilets, fountains, and swimming pools. Besides the fact that with an ultra-purifying plant it is possible to provide drinking water quality for human consumption.

Wastewater treatment is increasingly necessary due to the global shortage of drinking water; of the total water on Earth, only 2.5% is fresh water, and of that quantity, only 0.4% is water suitable for human consumption.

For this reason, at Bclear we have developed wastewater treatment plants with technologies that provide an ideal quality of treated water for reuse in activities with direct contact. You can learn more about them here.