The irreversible impact of the Willow project

The Western Arctic is edging closer to the brink of catastrophe as a final decision for ConocoPhillips’ Willow Project nears. The Willow Project is the single largest oil extraction project ever proposed on federal lands.

The rising temperatures associated with climate change have made fossil fuel extraction in the arctic more difficult and costly due to melting permafrost. So, ConocoPhillips plans to refreeze the tundra – using “chillers” – and then proceed to drill it for oil. The Willow Project would extract 500 million barrels of petroleum and release annual emissions equivalent of 76 new coal fired power plants operating in a single year. The repercussions of these emissions are obvious: the Willow Project would be adding fuel to a global climate system that is already on fire. 

If approved, the Willow project will harm the fragile Arctic ecosystem by fragmenting habitats. The project requires new infrastructure like bridges and gravel roads. The construction and transportation involved in the creation of the infrastructure necessary for the oil project will harm wildlife well before any oil has been extracted.

The pollutants the Willow project emits are a threat to public health and safety. From methane that leaks from the production equipment to the trucks that transport materials to oil wells, the Willow Project’s pollutants can cause serious cardiovascular, kidney, and chronic respiratory problems. The village of Nuiqsut has seen respiratory illnesses increase almost 20% with an increasing number of oil wells constructed. Children are getting seriously ill with oil wells that sit right behind their schools.